Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Mengasihani.
Its always been so long that i didn't post anything in here. I always have some thought to share but then it will stop half way. And, I close. And, I never return 😅😅. Since blogging is not so trendy anymore, and I've been babbling to myself only. Well, I think it is good to be back!
Hooray for Maryam Zahra because she has been sent to school at the age of 4 early this year. This is not the best decison that we want. We were forced to made. Unless she has a very good explaination on why she keep on cying and throwing tantrums every single day. Everyday to her sitter house. Phewwww. If you read this one day, lil girl, please let me know the answer if you can recall. ahahahaha.
I always keep myself together that she is just throwing tantrums for some attentions. But, some of my friends, they give me a slight curiousity that there's might be something that bothering her and she actually trying to hint me. After few months, of these dramatic and chaos morning, we decided to send her to school.
Alhamdulillah, everything seems okay. It's already in February and we never have to see tearing and tantrums session in the morning. Hope things will be just fine. we glad that she likes her school and teacher, oh, and friends.
Muhammad Zaim is already in his final year of kindergarten. Mehh. 😏😏 Alhamdulillah. He is a good boy. Manja sangat, this part i can't tolatare. Sometimes he likes when we carrying him, he doesn't know we were half dead carrying him with almost 25kg weight. YaAllah! Beras pun 10kg. ahahahaha. It is hard to kiss him, he started to feel shy especially in fornt of his teacher. Tapi kalo kat rumah, he likes to be cuddle. My manja boy.
Alhamdulillah, Mama and Abah in a very good health. We often spend time together, eating and sometimes going for short vacay. Mama decided to end her service in government sector last year. She stay at home looking after cucu, Yusuf. Well, Abah will be soon reach his time limit. Still figure out his activities upon retirement.
We? we still servicing in government sector. Digging some gold for early retirement too 😂😂
This is our latest version, holiday in Melaka. looking forward for many more vacation!! Thank you Allah for this beautiful bunch of people.
Thank you for reading.