Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Thursday, November 3, 2011

+ How To Make a Guys Fallen For You +

Okey, fast and easy entry for girls out there. Pasni jangan merungut lagi " takde sape nak kat aku " or
" sape la yang pandang pompuan cam aku ni "
Unless korang yang terlalu cerewet. (^^)
First thing first, do you find love or lust? Err, ape soklan makeluk ni ek?
Bukan ape, maaf kate ye, pompuan skrg lebih pentingkan luaran daripade dalaman.
Sile cubit pipi sendiri jike aku membuat kenyataan menuduh korang secare melulu. eheh!

Aku ade kenal beberape jenis kawan yang hanya memilih pasangan yang ensem2 jerk.
Dan ade jugak yang carik yang kaye2 jerk.
What will they get in return? Happiness, ye ker?

okeh2, tak nak merepek panjang2 lagi dah.
Let them be, it's their happiness, we cant simply judge them. :)

Mari buat jejake pujaan hati cair ngan kamu. How?

1. Smile.
It is the simplest gesture that you can do without saying a word.
Most of men are attracted to a women by her smile, so, senyum la seikhlas mungkin pade si die :)

2. Be a person that produce positive radiates in a room.
To be notice doesnt mean you have to laugh of loud or making a silly joking. Dah la nampak over, then atrract people together with their silly nonsense impression lagi. Eeeuuuuwww!
Just be yourself, dan jage tingkah laku sebaiknyer. Tak menonjol bukan bermakne tiade mate yang memandang.

3. Love yourself.
Sebelum mencari cinta, let's make us in love with ourself.
Bukan la soh korang obses ngan diri sendiri but at least grooming la diri tu sket to makes you look good.
Firtst impression is the most important tau ladies.

4. Love what you are doing.
You are the zookeeper, so what if people think your job is uncool??
The most important thing is you love your job, you feel comfortable with yourself.
Men love women who can take charge of their life.

5.  Leaves something for the imagination.
On your first move, not spell out all thing about you. Bagi la cabaran sket pade si die tu kenal korang ngan effort die sendiri. Jadi a bit mysterious, it's fun!

6. Be intelligent in conversation.
Ehem, walaupun korang tak bape cerdik but make yourself an interesting person to talk to when you are trying to win his heart. Tak perlu la cter hal2 dunia, just a nice and smooth conversation can really impressed them :)

7. Be yourself.
This is important to be who you are than trying to hide away the real you. Biarlah die terime kite seadenyer but doesnt mean korang kene tunjuk perangai tak senonoh on first date plak. Wrong!

8. Not too desperate.
Okay, even you are deeply mad at him, please dont show, not too much. Not obviously. Err, adat ketimuran harus dijage yep. Kalo tak, si die akan jadik takut plak.

Most important, mesti baik luar dalam, ikhlas, jujur.

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