Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Plump & Bonny

No..no..no..nnnnnnoooooooooo!!!! *meraung ibarat anak kecik*
Wah, ini sangat scary! I just went out lunch with my colleague at Mall of Medini. We went to shopping la sket..biase la pompuan, kan..I take a risk to try a hearty long pants..
Nak pengsan plak tengok my saiz were drastically increase to XXL!! XXL!! XXL!! Shud I repeat again?
*pengsan tujuhbelas kali*
Aku memang dah lame tak beli pants but, how come the old one still can fit me?? How come??
Nak nangis plak. Terus rase mood down!

I shud not be increasing much since I do a lot of things. I walk, I do chores which force me to go up and down stairs, I skip my lunch sometimes pastu balik petang macam takde mud plak nak makan. If talking bout exercise plak, I selalu sweaty when actioning in kitchen, boleh kate setiap petang I masak. hahaha. Boleh kire ni macam pegi sauna tak? As a conclusion, I kurang makan la kan..but still I gain weight! Camne neh? Heran sungguh! I hate when I have to spend almost 10 minutes to pick a dress everytime I got to get dress up. Not only I fikirkan tentang muat atau tak, but most of the top is it covering my aurat or not..too sexy or not. But, seriously why me? Nanges T_T. Adekah ini normal untuk orang yang dah berkahwin??

Yang lebih stress, I am a working student. Patutnyer as a working student, aku kene la nampak cam working hard dan selim kan? kan? Sebab student kan selalunyer kurus-kurus sebab lebih fokes on study..kunun la..hahaha. Nampak sangat aku ni kurang fokus on my study sebab tu pointer tu ala-ala kadar ke 3.00 tapi tak sampai pun..huhu..malu! But, in the same time, aku bangge la jugak sebab I am able to juggle between working, studying, love life, daughter, in law, employee, friend, sister dan dot dot dot. Ingat senang ke jadik working student nih *muke konfiden*

Nekad. Nekad. Lepas ni, I need to control my nafsu yang sangat adore with delicious food. Tanak cepat cair bile tengok gambar food yang mempersonakan hati dan minda. Tanak. Tanak. Tanak. *sambil ulang sejuta kali dalam hati*. And, I wanna exercise regularly. I know, having a sauna while cooking and take it as I'm having a sauna is really funny. haha. But, i might be going to sauna once a while after this. Ye, tekad kuat-kuat dalam diri *sambil pikir sape nak jadi mangse to accompany me jogging*. Gggrrr!

Well, I beli jugak pants tadi tau even the saiz is bigger! Mesti korang cam ''What?!'' haha. It's like an encouragement for me to loose some weight and op kos, to maintain being muslimah, InsyaAllah..For me, biar la pants tu loose sikit, more comfortable and more nicer. Plus, I dah puas seksi dulu. Oooppssssyyy! hahaha. What about my TTC? Well, we decided to let me finish my study first. (~~) Not really my choice but my hubbs has a few logical reason for this. So, I'm willing to obey. He's where my heaven is =). Ape-ape pun, Syukur, Allah kurniakan hubbs to accompany me to Jannah. He is so supportive and understanding. Even, I broke his heart few times, which is not my choice either. Sorry Abang. Belum ade rezeki lagi. Allah is a good planner, let Him plan blessed on us. InsyaAllah.

Meanwhile, we can spend more time together, let our rohaniah, mind and physical ready. Mane tau pasni dapat naik pangkat ke..ececeh! hikhikhik. InsyaAllah! Plus, we can go travelling around peninsular. Banyak interesting place yang aku blum explore. Wah! Bestnyer! Since, we have no commitment, we shall have no reason not to spend a good time together kan? =D

Tak aci la kalo tak letak gambar. Love.


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