Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 24, 2012

Saye Adelah Auntie !

*Gambar yang diculik dari Facebook kak long*

Alhamdulillah..praises to Allah Almighty..my sister is safely deliver a cute baby boy at HUKM on 17 December, 2012. Syukur! Syukur! I am an aunt now. Yeay! Yeay! So, i guess I have to behave. kihkihkih.

Semalam, hubs and me baru je visit baby. Lambat. Sebab my sister deliver kat KL sane..then jejauh bawak balik baby. It's not that I don't wanna visited them earlier but since she told us she will having her confinement in JB, then, I tunggu jelah. hehehe. Pemalas kan? Lagipun, my choir team ade event on the next day. Dapat news tu pun, mase I dah nak tido *tido dibilik hotel mewah tajaan BPSM, enak!*. Perasaan? Sangat happy dan bersyukur. Terus sujud syukur. Because we all know, deliver is a battle of life and death. Thank God for sending us this cute little baby, he is such an adorable, rambut pun lebat. Weehhuu. Sehat plak tu, 3.48kg. Wow!! ko makan ape dalam perut tuh? ekekeke..

Beyond of this happiness, i over heard people talking back bout me *ohh, susahnyer sebab meja kusi dah pandai bercakap*, I do not take it very seriously, cause the only know me best is me and Allah. "Kak ngah mesti jeles nih" What? Is that what pop up in their mind when other people sibuk2 merase gumbire?? You guys should do sujud syukur tau, hahaha. Ape yang lebih menyedihkan, it's coming from my own family. Kabhi kushie kabhi igham sungguh. Aren't they 'enaff' knowing bout me?? (T_T) Ohhh, yes. At least they are concerning about me, kan? Pikir positif je. Alhamdulillah, thank you..*waving ngn muke comel*

They don't know how glad and thankful I am for these news. At least, people are not putting me into spotlight and keep repeating the same stupid question, which obviously, I don't know the exact answer. It's not my job, it's His. When He said kunfayakun, then, it will hapen. Insyaallah. If I'm able to accept my fate, why don't you do so? If it's not for me, then do it for my creator, He knows best! All that I can say here is, Alhamdulillah and Syukur for what I have now.

Pape pun, jangan pikir yang aku sedih. Welcoming this cute little boy doesn't give any sad tears to me or hubs. In fact, kami sangat happy untuk kak long & adib. They are parents now! haha. Macam tak pecaye jep. Now I realize, times really does flies! Ohh, gosh! I'm old! haha. As for me, sekarang mase untuk fokus ngan study. Ye. Study. Ye. Study. *Grr..kene ke ulang-ulang?* Hoi, two more semester to go!! Cepatnyer. Ase macam baru semalam lepas semester satu. HHuuuuaaaaa!! kenape tibe2 rase macam mase berlalu cepat sangat??!

Well, I'm so tired of travelling Johor ---> Malacca then late evening Malacca ---> Johor. Kenkadang, sengaje cipte rekod driving less than 2 hour. huhuhu. Takde keje kan? Eh, korang pecaye la, aku penah sampai JB kul 8.30 mlm tau, kul 7 kuar dari tol ayer keroh. I'm sure I can beat my own time! yeah! Mase ni travelling sorang diri, ketakutan, dan inilah hasilnyer. Ujian pantas! hahaha. Teruknyer perangai. Luckily, mase tu belum ade AES. Fuh!

Doakan aku selamat abes study dan dapat rainbow calor result okeh!

p/s : to all my TTC friends, do not stop trying, praying and asking from Allah. He is absolutely know what is the best for us. Keep being strong! hugss!


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