Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Two Television & Less Tolerance

Since I was young, Mama taught me to be tolerate with others. Regardless in anything I do, I'm trying so hard not to be selfish and be more consideration. That is why sometimes, even I really want something, I still put it on consideration. Seems like I've been really tolerate almost with anything in my life. I still remember, there was a time when mama and I went for shopping, I was attracted to this baju but when mama asking me to buy it, I immediately say NO. Later on, I feel very disappointed pasal tak beli baju tuh. hahaha. Selalu gak cemtu, cait! Bukan ape, I just being tolerate with Mama. Mama selalu bagi ape yang aku nak, sebab waktu kecik-kecik ni memang selalu memintak je kan? hahaha. Ohh, at this age, Mama still buying me cloth, *malu*, not often but I really feels the mothers' love. aaawww!

We do have a simple life before, we share almost everything, kadang-kadang baju pun kami kongsi. Aku la selalu rembat pakai baju kak long *sorok*. What can I say, her shirt looks good on me! Plus, she seldom at home (^^)v. Lepas pakai, lipat la leklok dalam laci. Ohh! Kadang-kadang, I pakai baju Mama. Weird kan? But, I really do! haha. Kelakar plak kalo ingat balik mase dulu, I don't even care to look good! bongok! *cakap pade diri sendiri*

When I'm married, I live with someone who I never live with. It is not easy at first, even at this 1 year and 9 month, it's still not easy. hahaha. Sometimes, things went well, but sometimes it's not. We even have a separate wardrobe. hamek kau. Sebab, I kinda messy, kalo rajin je baru kemas almari, kalo tak memang bersepah la almari aku. Recently, we buy another television. Untuk kepuasan hati dan mate, beli tb besar terus! So, tb yang kecik di anaktirikan, terus letak kat bilik tidur. For the meantime, tb kat bilik tu sekadar jadik hiasan je or peneman aku di kala menggosok baju. Sian die. Padahal tu hadiah kawen. Sobs.

So, sekarang ni, aku sorang jelah rajin tengok tb kat atas. Sensorang. As my hubbs, find it very difficult to be tolerate with me on watching TV. Sometimes, I have to stay up late just to watch TV. Sedih. Dah la astro ade kat bawah jep. Sekarang kene la layan cter kat TV3, which I rarely doing it. Oh, no more masterchef US, no more Jane by Design and definitely no more Kim Kardashian. I'm a huge fan!. Kalo nak tengok pun kene tengok siaran tertunda (T  T). Nanges! We have talk about this, I mean tolerate on watching TV cause we both had our interest, kan, tapi hubbs cakap kat rumah mak pun sume orang tengok tb ikut ape yang die nak tengok. Okeh, I lupe I kawen ngan anak bongsu. People very tolerate ngan anak bongsu ni. Hmmm. Naseb baik la I have a good considera. I'm very flexible as I can watch Liverpool match. What?! hahaha. Yes, it's true.

Pasan tak, bile kite ade extra facilities, we became less tolerance? Macam issue TV ni la. Bile we buy another TV, hubbs thinks it was okay that he enjoying himself downstairs watching sport all night long without considering his wife favourite shows. Well, I don't find it okay, not because I tak dapat tengok cite yang I suke,but I do not like the fact that we are not enjoying our TV time together. It's not that hubbs langsung tak bertimbang rase, he did. He did considerate but I need to tell him everytime again and again. I don't like making people understand the same thing everytime, he should've been understanding.

But, lucky me! *yeay*, my hubbs is okay doing house chores. Alhamdulillah (^^). I bukan buli die tau, he willing to help me. As we both working, so kalo nak harapkan I sorang je memang tak terbuat. In fact, he did a lot of chore *amazed*. I love when he take responsible to help me on doing house chores sebab dalam sesuatu pelayaran, nakhoda pun perlu buat sesuatu supaya kapal layar merentasi lautan dalam keadaan baik dan harmoni. And the most important thing is, we sail our ship together, no matter what's the risk, hitch, upside down, till Jannah. InsyaAllah. We both are like hand and feet, I'm glad that we both working, and we both willing to take responsibility.

Whatever it is, in marriage, there are many type of obstacles. It's just how you tackle it and solve it without hurting anyone heart. It is really helpful if you are making yourself tolerate and considerate. And, also lot of loves! Cheers!

Love. Izrin 

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