Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Love That Stood Still---

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani.

Yesterday, in 30 years back, Allah had written a fate for two soul to cherish the love by marriage.
Regardless how they fall in love, they built a home for kids with a lot of love and joy.
Unfortunately, that two soul had make their own separate way somewhere in the middle of the fantastic journey. That love story they shared, was ended. 

I was never, for my whole life, joking on 1st April, yelah, orang kate 1st April is an April Fool Day kan. But, this day was never a fool to me and always an important day for me since aku faham apakah itu 'appreciation'. Menghargai seseorang even with just reminding their important day every year. Tak tau la, tapi aku memang dibesarkan dengan mengingati tarikh lahir or tarikh tarikh penting orang yang penting dalam hidup aku. Tak bestnyer, this year, for the very first time, for some reason I can't wish them both. Terase kosong tahun ni as losing so much hope on them both. 

Facing a tragedy such as divorcee parent is not that easy. Lagi plak aku dah besar. Dah paham apakah itu kasih sayang. Orang kate, "budak budak yang mak bapak die cerai memang selalu buat hal..", I was always denied this statement sebab aku pikir macam takde kaitan pun kan. Tapi, bile aku sendiri melalui episod sedih ni, I realize that statement was damn true! To my parents, to tell you the truth, it's not only you had suffer all this years, seriously, we all do. It's just you whom never see the tears. We act like we are okay so that you both goes strong and moving on. But, can you see how chaos my life is? I was broken hearted too.

There was a time, I keep on praying that Allah could melt that both heart, to get back together again, like what we used to be. Even though we aren't much happy (but, that is life. It is common thing), but at least we have each other. :(

I am so lucky to have such an inspired siblings. Masing masing menjage satu same lain. I adore each of them to the fullest for bringing so much joy and love! Mane nak dapat adik beradik yang gile dan hati penuh bunge cemni kan? hahaha. Yang paling tak sangke, adik laki aku tu hati penuh bunge tahap maksima! Ekekeke. Sebagai anak laki tunggal, I know he carried a biggest responsibility to three of us and you have done an excellent job! Thank you.

To my parents, we respect for what you have decided, that is what we did these few years. Mungkin ini jalan yang paling terbaik for both of you. Bukan sume yang kite nak kite akan dapat kan? I always believe in what Allah has determined for us. He knows best!

You might not realize but since you guys are separated, your kids is getting more close! Alhamdulillah. Even jauh, tapi tak penah putus bicare. It's a good thing, right?

Anyway, I know I am not suppose to say this but, Happy Anniversary Mama and Abah. Thank You for risen us up so well. I love you!

Thanks for reading.


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