Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

+ I Wanna Get Pregnant Again, Please. . +

Fiiiuuuuuhhhh! Hela nafas panjang---
It takes time for me to think about what i'm going to write after showering myself wif a lot of open houses and also concerntrate on my final sem exam. Argh! (-___-)*

But, today i came out with this title which i cant deny that it's my obsession for now!
I'm kinda stress out myself for this goal.
I know that i shouldnt take it very2 obsess but this is what i really want now.
After having an abortion, just few months back, i really miss the moment that i carry someone inside me. =>
I really have someone to talk to, i can even sing for that tiny me inside.
It's really crazee to think about that beauty moment, where i really enjoying myself. Cuz I know that someone might be listening to me. Ouch! I really missed that moment!

Bile Tuhan nak bagi aku peluang tuk merase nikmat mengandung tu sekali lagi?
I promised this time i will make it right, i will concern much on my health and that tiny me. .
Please God, Please make it happen again (^^)

Sekarang ni perasaan sentiase sensitif whenever i saw a pregnant lady, yeah!
Im kinda not in my normal line anymore,kan? Sangat teruk!
My office got two college yang sedang heavily pregnant and another one yang baru2 jugak pregnant.
Saket hati plak asenyer but i really concern on them and giving them my advise, hikhik!
Padahal sendirik yang tak pandai jage diri, huhuhu.
I wont let that happen to my friend, coz it sucks!
The feeling, last long!

Skrg ni aku dah pass 3rd time period after abortion, it shud be okay kalo nak get pregnant again,kan?
It shud be safe and clean,kan? I just worried that something might be the obstacle again, no, not again please
I frequently surf on internet on getting pregnant after abortion, read some stories from others yang ade alami hal yang same ngan aku. Agak eksaited to make it happen again, tau tak! Chaiyok2! hahaha. Cheers!!

You know what, after what had happen my husband and i realize that ape yang jadi adelah kerane kesalahan2 kami di mase lalu. Maybe. We are human being, mane lepas dari buat salah,kan? So, this is what God plan for us, to clean out the mess that we did before, huhuhu. Siannyer sbb my bby yang tanggung if it's true :,(

Bukan tu je, malah as a normal human, kami memang selalu lalai dalam mencari keredhaanNya. So, Allah pun uji kami sedikit to make sure that we wake up from our nap. Now im waking up.
Aku sedar akan kesilapan2 lalu and i had repent. Semoge Allah terime taubat aku dan suami.

Skrg ni, aku cume mengharap dan redha ngan plan yang Tuhan dah tentukan utk kami.
But, we did a liltle usehe la jugak,kan. Sape tahu, it might change our destiny.
Tolong doakan aku ye,kawan2!


1 comment:

  1. hai awak...nak tanye la...
    oke tak fotografer masa kahwin tu..
    saya igt nak hire izphoto gak..
    boley bg pendapat tak?
