Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

+ My Sister Dream Wedding +

hye lagik!
Tbe2 nak buat lagi entry sal wedding, ouhhhh! I love wedding~~
I loike everything about wedding!
I love the environment, the smile, joy, difficulties, nerves and lots.
Banyak perkare yang akan terjadi in our way to create a perfect wedding day, but at the end everyone will enjoying themselve with smile and joy!

Now, it's my older sista time to bling2 the wedding bell, yahuu!
So, bleh la sekali lagi merasai kesibukan hari perkahwinan, apatah lagi she's making the grand one.
Name pun kakak, mane bleh kalah,kan? kan? Ye dop? (^^)
But, this time i wont arrange anything like i did on my wedding day. This time, dok tunggu jelah tuk makan.
Hehehe. Well, seriusly, the main attraction on that day could be the deco and food, yummy!!
My sista might taking the same catering, so kite dah tau kelazatan masakan mereka, ape lagi. Bersedia tuk memboncetkan perut!!!  Yahuuuu!!

She choose combination of blazing red and black out, black. It's kinda awsome, but it's too play safe for me. It's not really "in" for my age kut! Tuk orang yang nak effect kurus bleh la, hahaha.
But, it will sparkle somehow. :). Looking forward the deco, cuz my sista sgt cerewet jadi hasilnyer sure gempak! Tak sabarnyer!!
I know that she had choose the grand dais for our side, wow!

Sayangnyer, dewan agak sempit sebab dewan yang aku gune tuk wedding aku under construction.
Kalo tak, sure bleh panggil majalah pengantin  ;)
Dais set are from the same vendor as me, i was the one who recommend her ;)
Mase tu kunun2 nak cari pakej yang murah2, instead of getting the save cost one, she choose to have the RM6k wedding package. Kak long aku, sape tak kenal, hakhakhak!
Walaupun agak cemburu ngan pakej yang gile kentang tu, kalo difikirkan dari segi kos2 yang lain, aku takkan amek pakej semahal tuh just for few minutes sit, pose and camwhore! No way!
My value money is still high  <--in terms of macro economics!  :)

Cume harapnyer mase majlis tu nanti kami dapat la bergambar ngan pengantin yep cik Noly.
Sebab tbe2 teringat mase kak long tunang, asik bergambar ngan sebelah Adib jerk. Kitorang ni tunggu jerk nak gambar ngan orang bertunangan tapi hampeh. Tertogok2 kitorang menyaksikan kegembiraan kak long ngan famili Adib mase tuh, sedey. Dah tu, bile cakap tak dapat amek gambar, kak long marah kate kitorang lambat. Mase orang tunang, amek gambar famili lepas rombongan laki balik, we all bleh tunggu, kan kite famili  ;). Gives us a bit tolerate ya, thanks!
Pastu, pas majlis jangan la terus gi huha huaha cam mase tunang dulu, ingat tak?
Kak long kate nak gi antar cameraman balik, sampai ke pagi kak long tak balik. Upenyer celebrate ngan kawan2 on your E-day. Kitorang kat umah ni sbuk ngemas, membasuh. Sian mama, sedeh die. Dah la tak dapat bergambar, tiade langsung ungkapan terime kaseh. Please appreciate us ye, kite kan famili  ;)

Hal2 your wedding ni pun, cam kitorang je yang eksaited lebih sebab kak long jarang2 bincang ngan kitorang. Even ngan mama pun. Memang la kite self arrange but still need to sit and talk ngan famili. Walaupun banyak arguement nanti tapi at the end it will satisfy sume orang. It's normal to argue on something big like this, cuz it's really important and kite nak perfect. Tapi hati juge nak kene dijage  ;)

It's just a small advice from me to you my dear sis.
Kak long pun tau kite hadapi macam2 karenah dalam persiapan majlis kite, perhaps, you know what will you faced in discussion nanti. You shud be more ready, that is the reason why i'm letting you know any problem that i faced on my way to get married. It's a lesson you know!
But, ape pun, hati sume orang nak kene jage. Especially, hati mama. walau camne sekali pun saket kite hadapi kerenah die, tak setuju ngan die, walau camne pun die salah. Syurga itu di telapak kaki ibu.


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