Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 10, 2011

+ Wonderful weekend! +

Salam & Hepi Monday!
Say NO to monday blues, yeah!
Huarghhh, tapi isnin memang challenging day, pepagi mate dah kuyu jerk (-__-)

Ok la, moh citer perihal weekend.
Argh, kenape yang dinamekan weekend cume due hari jerk? Kenape tak tige, pat hari? Dem!
Weekend tak penah puas, dari zaman sekolah sampai la da keje. Why?
Sometimes, i don't have enaff time to please myself, duh! Loser betul la, knape la aku tak pandai manfaatkan mase 24hr yang Tuhan bagi tu?

Sabtu, 8hb Okt 2011.
Aku ade dapat invitation dari my ex-opismate, Kak Gja & Afzan (both are my opismate) at IPG Temenggung Ibrahim.
Memule cam ragu2 gak nak pegi ke tak coz my in law nak gi sunting kakak ipar tuk aku, ouch!
But, untuk menyahut salam walimatul urus, aku pegi gak.
Daripade luar, cam simple wedding jerk.
Masuk dalam, "yes, it's simple wedding. ." <--hek eleh! hahaha.
No, the thing is, bile masuk je dalam dewan tu, i feels like entering a hotel ballroom, padahal tu dewan biase jerk. Mungkin sebab ghazal music they played as a background sound. It's different from other wedding.
Yelah, sape nak puts on ghazal song on wedding,kan? Plus, dorang bukan old folk!

Dewan yang dingin tu dan aroma bau nasi minyak, wahh~
It's enaff to make my stomach sounds "kreeeuuukkkk"
Looking at their red and white wedding theme, it's really harmonise with the environment of those hall.
Sangat sempoi & tenang bile step into the hall, really feel the difference!
Or it's just me "angau" with wedding?? LoL!
Ape2 pun, tahniah to both kak Gja & Afzan!
Wish you happy married & it will last thru life, With God bless & many2 children (^^).
Sayangnyer sebab terpukau ngan ketenangan dewan, aku lupe nak snap gambar, dem!
Dah kuar tu baru snap gambar bekas telur dorang, huhu!

Sweet thing came after that, bile kitorang kuar jerk dewan, my husband suddenly said "teringat plak time wedding kite" pastu sengeh2 cam kerang yang tak bape bucuk! heh!
I miss my wedding day too! (Nuar tak tau aku memang gile pasal wedding since then)
Kalo mase bleh undur, i would do my wedding better. (^^)V

Balik wedding, ngan baju kurung ala pompuan melayu terakhir.
Kami pegi the zon, the shopping complex we never missed to shop every month!!
Why? coz tax free for cigarette! happy for Nuar! (rolled eye)
Pastu, bantai gi karoks for two hours!
Then, gi restoran Wak Radol beli satay, take away coz nak makan sesame ngan mak and ayah!
So, satay as our dinner! Yummeh!

Owh, this part i like to share. That night we, husband and wife, overnight! Ngeh2.
Teman my husband finish up his task.
Aku plak? Aku menjahit manik, it's awsome dude!
Bile menjahit, kite akan jadi sangat tekun and not thinking about anything else.
Then, bile tengok hasilnyer. Wah!! (sambil air mate bergenang dan syok sendirik)
Terus ase cam nak bukak bisnes menjahit manik, hahahaha!
Tapi menjahit sendiri memang puas hati tau, korang cube lah!
Nanti kalo dah siap bajunyer aku upload gambar okay? ;)

Then, nak citer my cousing engage on sunday, 09.10.11. nice date,kan?
Anyway, congrats to Nadzirah Rahman, my lovely cousin.
Unfortunately, we unable to attend her e-day due to communication breakdown! aiyak!
Tak bestnyer rase bile missed family event. Rase nak nanges! Naseb ko bagi kek chocolate as a return, tak jadik nak marah tau!! Ngeeee!

Bosan ke tak weekend aku?
Mase selebihnyer aku just sit and relax je kat umah tu pun ase badan cam penat giler, dowh!
Adekah kerane aku dah tua?? NO!
Mungkin sebab too much relaxing makes my body MALAS!
Kalo nak jog petang2, hubby aku tu nak ker? <--unofficial invitaiton to my husband ;)

Tbe2 teringat perihal budget last friday.
Jom kite diskusi in my next entry? (^^)


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